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Castle Cary School Admissions

A Child's first experience of school is a precious and memorable occasion. We therefore aim to ensure a smooth transition from home or pre-school to school, for both children and parents.


We do this through:

Inviting all parents to an induction meeting during the term before their child starts school.
This meeting is led by the Headteacher and Foundation Stage Teachers.


The Foundation Stage class teachers visit all children at their current nursery or pre-school, allowing valuable discussion time with key workers.


We provide drop in sessions during June and July where parents and their children can spend time in the classroom with the class teacher and teaching assistants.


The children have pre-school visits on two sessions where they can spend time in their new class with their new teacher before starting school. This usually happens in June/July.


At the beginning of the New Year, a progressive intake gradually introduces children to school. This starts with half days, leading to full time schooling by the Autumn half term.


Each child's individual needs are always taken into consideration and occasionally the induction plan is extended for particular children.


Parents are warmly welcomed into school in the morning with their child, particularly important for some children for the first few weeks of term.


Parents are informed and kept up to date about our school and the Foundation Stage Curriculum.


Pre-schools complete a pre-school transfer form, providing information about the child in relation to the areas of learning in the foundation stage curriculum.


Parents are invited in to observe a phonics session and provided with information and support so they can support their child in their phonics, reading and writing.


For more information please contact the school office.​​


Starting School in Reception Year

If you require a place for a child who is due to start school, follow this link to the Somerset County Council website:

​Somerset Direct: 0845 456038


You will need to apply for a Reception school place by a date in the middle of January for the following September when they will start school. There is an option to complete the form online and this is usually the easiest option. You will also be notified of the outcome online which means you hear a little sooner than if you receive a reply by post. Parents usually find out which school their child has been placed in on 16th April.​


In Year Applications

If you are transferring from another school you can contact us directly to apply for a place. Forms are available below or from the school office. Please also contact us here or by phone to arrange a visit to the school. 
In-year applications: 01823 355608


Appeal Process

Should your application be refused and you would like to appeal against this decision, please follow the link below for more information on how to do this:


Where an application has been refused in any year group, the child will be placed on a waiting list. This will be kept strictly in order of over subscription criteria by the Local Authority, as the Admission Authority, and the child will remain on the waiting list until the end of the academic year in which the application was refused.Parents are responsible for informing the Admission Authority of any changes in their circumstances, which could affect their place on the waiting list.


To view and comment on the arrangements please click here:


Castle Cary Admission Arrangements 26/27

Castle Cary Admission Arrangements 25/26

In Year Application Form

Changing Schools In Somerset In Year Leaflet

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