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The Somerset Health and Wellbeing Framework

The Somerset Wellbeing Framework is a local model for helping to build wellbeing into the ethos, culture, routine life and core business of a school. It's a process that moves beyond learning and teaching to pervade all aspects of school life, and has been found to be effective in bringing about and sustaining emotional resilience and mental health benefits for the whole of a school population.

It is widely recognised that a child’s emotional health and wellbeing influences every aspect of their lives including their cognitive development and learning as well as their physical and social health. We also know that most of adult mental health starts before the age of 18 years so the more we can do, earlier, to promote good mental health, the better! The Somerset Health and Wellbeing Framework sets out key actions that we have taken to embed a whole school approach to promoting emotional health and wellbeing. 


We have a graduated response to mental health and well-being that includes:

Universal provision for 'all' that promotes and cultivates a culture of wellbeing where pupils develop:

  • Resilience

  • Emotional literacy

  • Self-esteem

  • Social skills

  • Being healthy

  • Kindness and gratitude 

  • A sense of purpose


Targeted Support with access to interventions and help for those that need more:

  • Skilled staff and wellbeing leads

  • Prompt identification of children and young people that need more

  • Appropriate school-based intervention

  • Links to local specialist provision

  • Reviewing and monitoring mechanisms

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