Mental Health and Well-Being
At Castle Cary Primary School, we believe in promoting positive mental health and emotional well-being to ensure that the school is a community where everyone feels safe and able to thrive.
What happens in school?
In school, we teach children about what it means to have good mental health and wellbeing throughout our curriculum and daily practice.
Our PSHE curriculum focuses specifically on developing children’s social and emotional skills which can prevent poor mental health from developing and help all children cope effectively with setbacks and remain healthy. It is about helping children to understand and manage their thoughts, feelings and behaviour and build skills that help them to thrive, such as working in a team, persistence, and self-awareness.
Who can I talk to if I have concerns?
If you have concerns about your child's mental health and well-being then there are a range of people you can speak to.
We currently have a well-being action group running in the school constructed of staff members, parents and mental health practitioners. Please see below: